①I will choose a study abroad program. First,I can improve my English skills quickly. By jumping the environment was only surrounded by English,I should be able to focus on learning English. Second,I think it is better to learn English locally because my goal is to be able to speak. For these reasons, I should study abroad.
②I think the elderly don't need a lent smartphone First,they can get general information from TV or radio. Besides,even if they have it,they may be not able to use it we'll. Second, there are many ways to prevent them from being isolated. Today,if they go to the community centre or senior citizen's club, there are many events being held.

①I plan to enroll in a study abroad program for several reasons. Firstly, it will allow me to rapidly improve my English skills. Immersing myself in an environment where only English is spoken will enable me to concentrate fully on learning the language. Secondly, I believe that learning English in a native-speaking country is more effective, especially since my aim is to become fluent in speaking it. For these reasons, studying abroad seems like the best choice for me.
②I believe that elderly people don't necessarily need a lent smartphone. Firstly, they can obtain essential information through traditional media like television or radio. Moreover, even if they possess a smartphone, they might struggle to use it effectively. Secondly, there are numerous ways to keep them from feeling isolated. Nowadays, community centers and senior clubs often host a variety of events, offering great opportunities for social interaction.
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